Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Warrior of Valdimor

The fortress became black , and the sea became harsh. My thoughts became lost in the memories of the past. The past was me ,but now I am just a tattered old man thinking about what made me.The date was 1011 ,and the season was late winter when my father first sent me away from my home. I was just 12 ,and my father thought that I was ready to become a apprentice of a knight . That year was the first year of my destiny as a Warrior under Valdimor the great...

" SLASH , FORWARD THRUST, PARRY LEFT , PARRY DOWN, SHIELD THRUST,"the instructor began to shout commands at us on the first day of our training. He did not pity us at all he just continued to shout things and expected us to react that quick ,and when we did something wrong he would take our practice weapon out of our hands and give us a good whack over the head.
By the end of the first day I had 10 whelps over my head ,and I was wishing that I could go home already,but there was one thing about Josam that I could not place anywhere else. There was this beautiful women that I saw when I was arriving earlier that day. Her hair was eloquent ,and her dressing the same. When I asked the guard who she was he just answered , " Royalty of a distant kingdom here to do some "polotics"'. then he laughed at me and sent me threw to the straight down the cobble stone road to the academy's entrance.From there I did my first day of training then retired to my quarters where I am writting this letter to you my dearest mother.Signed Rutherford Rose.